Ecole de tourisme Paris I - INNTO France

INNTO University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne

Ecole de Tourisme Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne University

A founding member of the INNTO France network, the Institut de Recherche et d'Études Supérieures en Tourisme (IREST), created in 1961, is a multi-disciplinary university institute dedicated to tourism, within theUniversity of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. The institute offers professional bachelor's and master's degrees in tourism in French and English. The courses combine fundamental and specialized teaching, workshops, research training and several professionalization mechanisms: sandwich courses and apprenticeships, internships. Internationally, IREST offers mobility programs within the framework of exchange agreements in Europe and outside Europe, as well as double-degree programs at Master's level with partner universities in Europe. IREST is also involved in research and research-action in tourism, and carries out various activities to disseminate knowledge in the field of tourism, culture and leisure. Joining IREST gives students the opportunity to participate in associative, cultural and sporting activities.

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