Master of Tourism and Hotel Management

Management of tourism and hotel activities




Diploma obtained


Admission requirements

BAC +3


6-month internship or apprenticeship

Mobilité internationale


Training objectives

Prepared over two years, M1 and M2, the main aim of the GATH Master's program is to train senior executives for tourism companies and organizations, for the management of hotel establishments, chains and groups, and for private consulting firms.

Job opportunities professionals

Senior executives in tourism companies and organizations, hotel management, hotel chains and groups, and private consulting firms.

Profile of the applicant

The Master's program is open primarily to students with bachelor's degrees in economics, management or economics. It is also open to students with diplomas from leading business schools, and to those who have validated their prior learning (validation of professional experience, validation of experience, validation of post-graduate studies). Direct access to M2 is only possible if the applicant's academic and/or professional background is equivalent, in terms of acquired skills, to that of the 2 semesters of the M1 course.

Practical information

Institute website

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