Master Management of international tourism

Management of international tourism (M2/2ND YEAR)




Diploma obtained


Admission requirements

BAC +4



Mobilité internationale


Training objectives

The Master 2 Management of International Tourism (MIT) offers international students in-depth, interdisciplinary knowledge of the international dimension of tourism exchanges, as well as skills that are highly prized by specialized public institutions and tourism operators. In this respect, the Master 2 MIT curriculum focuses on the attractiveness of tourist destinations and coordination between public and private players, covering the following themes:
  • management of factor endowments, particularly cultural and natural (cultural and natural heritage and international tourism).
  • Attractiveness and destination strategies (international tourism and attractiveness of tourist destinations).
  • financial incentives, impacts and development strategies in the hotel sector (hotel investments and development strategies).
  • tourism governance in the context of metropolization and globalization (global metropolises and international tourism).

Job opportunities professionals

The MIT Master 2 opens up professional opportunities in tourism sectors with an international dimension, in particular for managers and project leaders working in international organizations focused on tourism or for which tourism plays an important role: UNWTO, UNESCO, OECD, WTTC, European Commission, World Bank, etc. It also aims to train managers for major international tourism operators: airlines, tour operators, international consulting firms, consultants, financial operators, etc.

Profile of the applicant

Admission to the Master 2 program requires a bachelor's degree in economics, management, economic sciences, applied foreign languages or social sciences (geography, sociology, anthropology, information and communication sciences).

Practical information

Institute website

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