Master Luxe et arts de la France

Luxury and arts of France




Diploma obtained


Admission requirements

BAC +3

Mobilité internationale

Internship or Semester 2

Word the training manager

The Luxury and Arts of France pathway is designed for future professionals developing a project focused on enhancing the value of artistic objects and prestigious cultural products. Linked to "French excellence", these sectors, based on cutting-edge skills, have seen marked growth in recent years. Generators of the imaginary, cultural products associated with the luxury and art worlds demand creativity, analytical skills, openness to the world and curiosity.

Training Manager

Training objectives

The aim of the Luxury and Arts of France program is to train executives capable of working in France or abroad for companies and institutions that promote cultural products associated with the French art of living, particularly internationally. These products are based on rare skills and know-how, and are designed to meet the challenges of sustainable development. The program enables students to acquire skills in building exceptional cultural experiences, by showcasing prestigious heritages and the innovative capacities of brands that contribute to the attractiveness of local areas. This master's program is based on knowledge of the different worlds of luxury and the French arts, such as fashion, gastronomy, wines and spirits, perfumes and cosmetics, jewelry and contemporary art... from a multi-disciplinary perspective. Combining teacher-researchers and professionals, the program integrates the acquisition of academic knowledge, interpersonal skills and know-how, including long internships (4 months in M1 and 6 months in M2).

Job opportunities professionals

Career opportunities focus mainly on product managers, project managers, communications managers, marketing managers, press and public relations managers, export managers, buyers and visual merchandisers.

Profile of the applicant

This course is open to students with a degree in the Humanities, Social Sciences or Management Sciences. Students with a bachelor's degree in history, art history or information-communication may also be accepted.

Modalités de recrutement

application + interview

Apply at

Practical information

Institute website

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