


Diploma obtained


Admission requirements

BAC +3


Initial and continuing training

Training objectives

The Master's degree in Tourism Management and Engineering provides students with the basic and specific skills needed to organize and manage a hotel and catering business. It also enables students to master the methodologies and tools of project management, expertise and decision-making in the fields concerned. The Master's in Tourism Management and Engineering aims to provide the skills needed to organize and manage systems and structures operating in the tourism, hotel and catering sectors. The course aims to enable students to :
  • Acquire in-depth knowledge of the various disciplines involved in the hospitality industry (law, finance, marketing, data analysis, human resources management, geography and geopolitics, etc.),
  • Acquire and master the technologies, methodologies and tools of project management and expertise for a strategic vision of the tourism sector in a given territory, as well as applying theoretical knowledge, tools and analysis methods to participate in organization studies and product and project management.

Job opportunities professionals

More specifically, these include professions involved in designing tourism products, managing, marketing and running hotels and tourist facilities, as well as consulting. Main target sectors:
  • Private and public tourism production and promotion structures: travel agencies, tour operators, leisure parks, tourist offices, CDT, CRT, etc.
  • Social tourism companies
  • Consulting and marketing firms
  • Tourism engineering consultancies
Target professions :
  • Executive Assistant
  • Branch Manager
  • Commercial Services Manager
  • Project Manager
  • Product Manager
  • Design Manager
  • Market Manager
Doctoral studies Students with a Master's degree can go on to study for a doctorate (bac +8) in a research area defined with a thesis director.

Profile of the applicant

The Master 1 in Tourism Management and Engineering is open to students with a bac + 3 in the fields of tourism, hotels, catering, human and social sciences (sociology, management, law...), economics, applied foreign languages, AES, and who can provide proof of professional experience in the fields concerned (internships, temporary or seasonal jobs...). The Master 2 in Tourism Management and Engineering is open to students with 4 years' higher education in the fields of tourism, hotel management, catering, human and social sciences (sociology, management, law, etc.), economics, applied foreign languages, AES, and with proof of professional experience in the relevant fields (internships, temporary or seasonal employment, etc.).

Practical information

Institute website

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