Licence 3 Hotel and Restaurant Engineering

Hotel and restaurant engineering




Diploma obtained

BAC +3

Admission requirements

Apprenticeship training


Work-linked training

Mobilité internationale


Training objectives

The Licence 3 Ingénierie Hôtelière et de Restauration (IHR) is only available as a sandwich course on the Mirail campus (Toulouse). The aim of this degree is to specialize students in hotel and catering engineering (project management and technical engineering) by teaching them specific methods and tools through a multidisciplinary approach. The IHR bachelor's degree enables students to become operational managers in :
  • companies manufacturing professional kitchen equipment (large kitchen equipment manufacturers).
  • companies installing this equipment (professional kitchen fitters).
  • hotel and/or catering engineering consultancies, whether independent or part of a catering or hotel company.
It also aims to train students to become project managers for public-sector projects, carrying out feasibility or programming studies.

Job opportunities professionals

The Licence 3 IHR is a course geared towards management and organization in the hotel and catering industry. Main target professions :
  • Hotel operations managers (department heads, commissary managers, sales managers, accommodation managers),
  • Operational catering manager (assistant director, manager, etc.),
  • Project manager in hotel and catering engineering (assistant project manager...).

Profile of the applicant

The Licence 3 IHR is open to students who have completed the first two years of a bachelor's degree or who hold a Bac+2 (BTS hôtellerie restauration, L2 Gestion BTS MUC, BTS Nutrition, DUT tech de co, L2 LEA...).

Practical information

Institute website

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