Licence professionnelle Sustainable development of territories through e-commerce and e-tourism

Sustainable development of territories through e-commerce and e-tourism




Diploma obtained

Professional license

Admission requirements

BAC +2


open to sandwich courses, initial training and continuing education

Training objectives

This professional degree is open to sandwich courses, initial training and continuing education on the campus of the Centre Universitaire de l'Ariège (Foix). The objectives of the Licence Professionnelle Développement durable des territoires par l'e-commerce et l'e-tourisme (DDTeCeT) are severalfold: to provide a training offer in line with the emergence of new professions, to train professionals capable of analyzing the transversal elements linked to the tourist activity, to determine the impact of this sector on the local economy and the levers enabling the development of the marketing of local products. It provides training in :
  • The development of e-commerce projects linked to the sale of local products from tourist areas,
  • Acquire the knowledge needed to evaluate strategic choices,
  • Support for professionals and retailers embarking on e-commerce,
  • Analysis of information relating to a tourist region, with a view to developing decision-support tools for e-commerce development,
  • The use of Information and Communication Technologies as tools to promote, communicate and access markets for local tourism stakeholders.

Job opportunities professionals

Holders of this professional license are multi-skilled professionals whose activities revolve around five main areas:
  • E-marketing and defining sales strategy,
  • Supply chain design and organization based on the company's web environment,
  • E-commerce/e-tourism project management,
  • Web content and media design,
  • Multimedia site animation and customer relationship management.

Profile of the applicant

Holders of this professional license are multi-skilled professionals whose activities revolve around five main areas:
  • E-marketing and defining sales strategy,
  • Supply chain design and organization based on the company's web environment,
  • E-commerce/e-tourism project management,
  • Web content and media design,
  • Multimedia site animation and customer relationship management.

Practical information

Institute website

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