Professional degree in Ecotourism and Environmental Discovery

Ecotourism and environmental discovery




Diploma obtained

Licence Professionnelle

Admission requirements

BAC +2



Mobilité internationale


Training objectives

The professional bachelor's degree was created in 2002 in response to the development of ecotourism, with the aim of training professionals capable of developing ecotourism products and services within diversified structures, accompanying and guiding groups of visitors (schoolchildren, tourists, hikers...) in natural areas, using appropriate interpretation techniques. The course therefore focuses on :
  • the design and management of tourism products capable of integrating the environmental parameters specific to ecotourism (on the scale of structures, natural spaces and territories);
  • promoting, interpreting and raising public awareness of the richness of the region's natural and cultural heritage;
  • mastering the logistical and safety aspects of escorting;
  • communication and marketing of the products and services created.

Job opportunities professionals

You will mainly work in the fields of tourism, the environment and sustainable development, in particular in companies and/or organizations offering ecotourism products (local authorities, tourist offices, environmental and heritage education associations, permanent centers for environmental initiatives, leisure facilities, accommodation, guide offices, tour operators, etc.). Types of jobs held: ecotourism designer and guide; nature, environment and heritage educator/animator - eco-guide - production assistant - ecotourism reception and advisory agent - local development agent.

Profile of the applicant

The professional bachelor's degree is aimed at students in initial training who have a professional project in the training field and hold the following diplomas:
  • L2 Sciences, Biology, Geology, Geography ;
  • L2 STAPS ;
  • L2 Tourism, Heritage ;
  • BTS Tourism ;
  • BTSA (GPN, AN, SER) ;
  • DUT Tourism, Animation, Social Careers ;
  • Other Bac+2 diplomas according to professional project ;
  • Training also available in continuing education (VAP + VAE).

Modalités de recrutement

application + interview

Apply at

Practical information

Institute website

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