


Diploma obtained


Admission requirements

BAC +3


Initial and continuing training

Training objectives

Master's degree open to both initial and continuing training at the Centre Universitaire de l'Ariège campus (Foix). The Master's degree in Tourism and Development is designed to train field managers with the knowledge and skills required for operational, expert and project management roles in the various sectors linked to tourism development. It aims to train students to :
  • Manage sustainable territorial development issues, both locally and internationally,
  • Observe, define, analyze and operationalize the "object" of tourism in all its major dimensions, with regard to the various development issues inherent in rural and mountain areas in France and around the world,
  • In-depth knowledge of the various disciplines involved in tourism and development (law, finance, marketing, data analysis, human resources management, etc.),
  • The creation of tourism development strategies based on local resources (agri-food, crafts, landscapes, etc.).
Graduates will be able to design, manage and support local tourism projects, and provide consultancy and expertise in engineering and sustainable tourism development. They can also manage and lead local tourism production systems.

Job opportunities professionals

On completion of this course, students will be in a position to enter a wide range of sectors: local authorities, national or international public tourism development structures, non-governmental development aid organizations, tourism engineering and development consultancies, public (national parks, ONF, federations, etc.) and private tourism promotion structures, sustainable tourism, etc. Target professions :
  • Resort manager - Tourism development coordinator - Development agent - Urban planner/developer - Project manager - Research manager - Tourism company manager - Tourism company creator - Market manager
Doctoral studies Students with a Master's degree can go on to study for a doctorate (bac +8) in a research area defined with a thesis director.

Profile of the applicant

The Master 1 in Tourism and Development is open to students who have completed a third year of a Bachelor's degree in Tourism, Hospitality and Catering, Human and Social Sciences, Economics and Management, and who can show proof of professional experience in the field (internships, temporary or seasonal jobs, etc.). The Master 2 in Tourism and Development is open to students with a Master 1 in Tourism, Hospitality and Catering, Human and Social Sciences, Economics and Management, and who can provide proof of professional experience in the field (internships, temporary or seasonal employment, etc.).

Practical information

Institute website

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