The Master ICT Applied to the Development of Tourism Territories enables students to :
- Analyze the effects of the growth of the Internet, the use of social networks, mobile telephony, connected and communicating objects, in terms of the very strong growth in digital data flows,
- Understand the challenges facing the tourism sector as a result of the use of data and access to data facilitated by open data (in particular for the creation of decision-making tools and the management of information in tourist areas), and the constant evolution of web tools.
The course is also designed to enable students to adapt, design and use digital tools in the fields of tourism development (applicative exploitation of territorial data, development of geographic information systems for decision support, exploitation of tourism information systems, creation of digital diagnostic tools, design of infographics to facilitate understanding of methodologies, expertise and decision support for tourism development projects). The course also enables students to determine tourism development strategies using digital tools that exploit big data and the possibilities offered by web tools. This Master's degree also provides students with the mechanisms needed to draw up a territorial communication strategy and plan, in line with the territory's project and development challenges. To achieve this, New Technologies are used to support a clear and relevant communications strategy, and IT and digital diagnostic tools are used to support this strategy. This course, which shares UEs with the "Tourism and Development" course, also aims to observe, define, analyze and operationalize the "object" of tourism in all its major dimensions, with regard to the various development issues inherent in territories - towns, cities, but also rural and mountain areas - in France and around the world. The course offers the opportunity to learn various tools for observation, analysis, diagnosis, engineering and forecasting, with the aim of acquiring know-how and skills in the field of development through tourism. Lastly, the course emphasizes the professional and operational dimension, in line with the emergence of new professions, through the reinforced presence of field workshops in Master 1 and Master 2 (workshops which are real orders from organizations or companies), support for students in defining their professional project and finding an internship in line with this project and their dissertation, the involvement of professionals in courses or conferences, and the organization of a professional end-of-studies seminar.