Open since the 2016-2017 academic year, the Heritage and Coastal Cultures course is a training program that has found its place in the tourism offering of coastal destinations. Anchored in territorial realities and adapted to specific coastal features, it offers academic and professionalizing teaching within a human-sized class. The program's added value lies in its participative approach to teaching, as well as its coaching and support systems.
Training Manager
Training objectives
Coastal areas are one of France's leading tourist destinations. Strong seasonal visitor numbers, economic spin-offs for the region and job creation all bear witness to a real and sustained dynamism in which maritime, natural, tangible and intangible heritage contribute to the tourism offer. While the development of coastal tourism in France has been underway for several decades, the processes of heritage development and the promotion and mediation of maritime cultures are also strengthening the appeal of these singular territories. In this context, "heritage" resources can be understood in terms of the natural environment, historical objects (seaside architecture, ports, etc.) and local cultures (fishing techniques, traditions, tourism practices, etc.). The aim of the program is to offer students interested in the Tourism, Heritage and Coastal Cultures sectors the opportunity to build and implement their project within a third year of higher education. The program enables students to acquire and/or complete their knowledge of the sectors and professions on offer, based in particular on the singularities (economic, demographic, sociological, spatial, etc.) of coastal territories and their specific heritage and cultural features.
Job opportunities professionals
Middle management positions in tourism, culture and heritage (tangible, intangible, natural): groups, SMEs, institutional structures, associations. Sales and communication functions, tourism product design in the heritage and culture of coastal areas.
Profile of the applicant
Licence 3 is open to anyone (students, adults returning to school, jobseekers) with a Bac+2 degree in tourism, economics, management, human and social sciences (history, sociology, anthropology, geography, ethnology, etc.) or languages.