Licence 3 Tourism, Hospitality and Events

Management Sciences specialization




Diploma obtained

Licence 3

Admission requirements

Initial training


2-month internship

Mobilité internationale


Training objectives

L3 THE is designed to provide a wide range of skills, combining fundamental theoretical knowledge in economics and management with knowledge specific to the tourism, hospitality and events sectors:

  • Disciplinary skills: mobilizing the main concepts of management and economics, and the methods and tools of analysis
  • Pre-professional, cross-disciplinary skills: knowledge of THE sectors, teamwork, autonomy and initiative, professional know-how
  • Linguistic and intercultural skills: mastering foreign languages, understanding international economic dynamics, learning intercultural skills through contact with foreign students
  • Ecological transition skills: understanding environmental issues and ecological transition problems, ability to implement sustainable strategies

Job opportunities professionals

The Licence 3 "Economie Gestion parcours THE" at IAE Savoie Mont Blanc is not designed to prepare students to enter the job market on completion of the course. Its aim is to prepare students for entry into the various Master's courses in Tourism (Tourism, Hospitality, Events) in the CITHEME department:

  • Master International Business and Tourism Management
  • Master in Sustainable Tourism
  • Master of Hospitality Management - Revenue Management
  • International Hospitality Management
  • Event Management and Engineering.

However, the professions targeted by the course include :

  • Front desk manager
  • Hotel housekeeper
  • Hotel operations manager
  • Hotel Management Controller
  • Tourism sales representative
  • Leisure center manager
  • Leisure Services Team Manager
  • Animation services manager for local authorities

Profile of the applicant

The course is mainly aimed at holders of a Bac+2 in the following fields:

  • Tourism and hospitality
  • Management
  • Languages (with management prerequisites)

Admission is automatic for holders of the L2 Economics and Management degree from Université Savoie Mont Blanc, and based on an application form for all other students (bachelor's degree, BTS, DUT, etc.).

However, the course is also open to other students with a background in tourism and leisure who have completed 120 ECTS.

Practical information

Institute website

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